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How Assistant plugin can boost your productivity?

Assistant is a productivity plugin developed by the Beaver Builder team. Naturally, we will think that this plugin is some extension of the Beaver Builder.

But it’s not so.

It doesn’t matter if you use Beaver Builder or not; Assistant will work on your WordPress site. So, let’s get started.

Install Assistant and see basic settings

install assistant

Search for ‘Assistant’ in plugins and then install and activate it.

Once you install Assistant, it will appear in the top menu.

where assistant appears

Once, you click on it; you will see the following menu appearing on the right-hand side.

assistant menu

How will the Assistant help you?

Assistant provides you with an interface that gives you instant access to the backend items you have interacted with. For example, it gives you a list of pages and posts you have worked on.

how assistant will help you

As you can see from the screenshot above, Assistant shows me the list of posts and pages I have recently worked upon.

And, if I hover the cursor over the post or page, it again shows me a quick action menu using which, I can open the page/post in edit mode, delete it or duplicate it.

assistant menu

Check out the video below for other options in the Assistant.


Labelling in simple terms means tagging various action items or assets. You can add labels to multiple pages and posts so that you can categorize them and filter them when needed.

assistant labels


While developing the website in WordPress, or just using it on day to day basis, you need to jump from one place to another quite often. And it quite effectively solves this problem. I have started using this plugin, and I am pleased using it as it has increased my productivity a lot.

Adding labels to posts and pages will boost your productivity further.

All in all, it’s a good, free and easy to use tool to improve your productivity.


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